2008年1月17日 星期四

Taiwanese Be Proud

By Samuel Yang of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

The resounding defeat of the indendependence-leaning ruling party in the recent legislative elections must have been profoundly depressing to those who hoped for self-determination for Taiwan.

The defeat may look like a forfeiture of self-determination. However, Taiwanese democracy has survived a very bitter contest between the pro-Taiwan and pro-China groups, without significant civic unrest. Moreover, it has also overcome the subversive threat of China's united front tactics.

As such, Taiwanese should hold their heads up high and treasure the preservation of this most remarkable democracy. The decision of the majority prevailed, and all issues can be resolved by peaceful means.

The extraordinary tolerance shown by the pro-Taiwan group to the anti-democratic provocations by the opposition should not be considered cowardice. Instead, it should be rewarded handsomely in future elections.

The legislative responsibilities of rooting out corruption in the government, reinvigorating the economy and safeguarding Taiwan's sovereignty are now entirely in the hands of the pro-China group. The pro-Taiwan group will be in the driver's seat to oversee the performance of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). A free press and free speech, which had been carefully nurtured by the ruling party during the last eight years, will also scrutinize the promises made by the KMT before the elections.

With a firmly established democracy, it will be impossible for the KMT to resurrect the past autocratic regime. In March, the pro-Taiwan group will have another chance to prove that its relentless pursuit of democracy is most beneficial to all Taiwanese.
